Productive and biological features of Camelus Bactrianus - Camelus Dromedarius in conditions of Kazakhstan

BAIMUKANOV, D. and AKIMBEKOV, A. and OMAROV, M. and ISHAN, K. and AUBAKIROV, K. and TLEPOV, A. (2017) Productive and biological features of Camelus Bactrianus - Camelus Dromedarius in conditions of Kazakhstan. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. ISSN 0001-3765

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The biological features of fruiting and dairy productivity of camels of the Kazakh Bactrian, the Arvana and the Kazakh dromedary breeds of different genotypes under the conditions of Kazakhstan were studied. It is established that the Kazakh Bactrian fructifies during 419-462 days, Arvana during 380-420 days, the Kazakh dromedary during 380-415 days. Kazakh Bactrians have a different indicator of annual milk yield from 850.4 kg to 1700.2 kg. The mass fraction of fat in Kazakh Bactrian varies from 5.3% to 5.7%, the fraction of protein varies from 3.8% to 4.0%. Female camels of the Arvana breed produce from 3264.8 kg to 3921.5 kg of milk with a mass fraction of fat in the milk of 3.4-3.8% and protein of 3.2-3.5%. Kazakh dromedary 3384.8 - 3549.1 kg, with a fat content of milk 4.1-4.4% and a protein 3.6-3.7%. Comparative characteristics of the shubat showed that in 100% of a product a moisture content was 89.0%, fat - 4.6 ± 0.1%, protein - 4.2 ± 0.1%, ash - 0.79 ± 0.07%, calcium - 250 ± 50,0 mg, iron - 1.05 ± 0.21 μg, iodine - 6.8 ± 1.36 μg, copper - 1.03 mg, zinc -0.83 mg. In the Kazakh Bactrian, the frequency of aneuploid cells’ formation in cultured blood lymphocytes is 11.3-13.4%, polyploid cells - 1.2-1.5%, cells with chromosomal aberrations - 0.7-1.1%. In Arvana dromedaries, the aneuploidy was 14.89-16.5%, the polyploidy - 3.1-3.9%, cells with chromosomal aberrations - 1.1-1.4%. In Kazakh dromedaries, the frequency of cells with chromosomal aberrations was 0.5 -0.7%, the polyploidy - 2.7-2.9%, and the aneuploidy - 10.9-11.2%. Keywords: Kazakh Bactrian, Arvana, fertility, milk yield, shubat, karyotype.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Agriculture and forestry
Agriculture and forestry
Depositing User: Кайрат Жәлелұлы Исхан
Date Deposited: 25 May 2018 04:58
Last Modified: 25 May 2018 04:58

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